Relieve Back Pain - 10 Simple Exercises

Relieve Back Pain - 10 Simple Exercises

May 30, 20231 comment

Back pain is a common ailment that can be highly discomforting and impact your quality of life. But here's some good news – there are many simple exercises you can do to relieve back pain and improve your spinal health. In this blog post, we'll share 10 effective exercises that can help you reduce pain and strengthen your back.

1. Knee-to-Chest Stretch:

Lie on your back and bring both knees up toward your chest. Hold the position for 15-20 seconds and then relax. Repeat 5 times. This stretch helps relieve tension in the back and increases flexibility.

2. Cat and Camel Movements:

Get on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Arch your back upward like a cat and then downward like a camel. Repeat the movement 10 times to enhance spine mobility and reduce pain.

3. Pelvic Tilt:

Start by lying on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor, arms along your body. Gently press through your heels, lifting the pelvis upward while engaging your glutes and core muscles. Hold for a few seconds and then lower the pelvis back to the floor. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times to strengthen back muscles and reduce back pain.

4. Core Muscle Exercise:

Strengthening the core muscles is crucial for providing stability to the back. An easy exercise involves lying on your back with bent knees and hands behind your head. Lift your upper body upward, trying to touch your knees with your elbows. Repeat 10 times to strengthen core muscles and alleviate back strain.

5. Side Plank:

Begin in a plank position with forearms on the floor and body in a straight line. Rotate the body to one side, lifting one arm towards the ceiling. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then switch sides. Side plank strengthens core muscles and provides stability to the back.

6. Combined Boat and Bicycle:

Sit on the floor with bent knees and feet on the ground. Lift your feet slightly and extend one leg at a time in a cycling motion. Simultaneously, reach the opposite elbow towards the extended leg. Repeat the movement in a cycling motion for 1 minute to work on abdominal muscles and relieve back pain.

7. Deep Breathing and Relaxation:

Dedicate a few minutes each day to focus on deep breathing and relaxation. Sit or lie comfortably and inhale deeply through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Focus on relaxing your body and releasing tension. Deep breathing and relaxation can reduce stress and back tension.

8. Psoas Stretch:

Stand in a forward-leaning position with one leg forward and the other leg bent backward. Gently press the pelvis forward to stretch the psoas muscle. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then switch sides. Psoas stretching can relieve tension in the lower back and improve mobility.

9. Seated Spinal Rotation:

Sit on a chair with feet on the ground and maintain a straight back. Rotate the upper body to one side and hold the position for 10 seconds. Return to the center and then rotate to the other side. Repeat the movement 5 times to increase spinal mobility and reduce stiffness.

10. Supine Knee Rotation:

Lie on your back with bent knees and feet on the floor. Gently lower the knees to one side and hold the position for 15 seconds. Return to the center and then lower the knees to the other side. Repeat the movement 5 times to loosen up the back and reduce pain.


These 10 simple exercises can be highly beneficial in relieving back pain and strengthening your back. Remember to take it easy and listen to your body while performing these exercises. If the pain worsens or you experience discomfort, consult a doctor or physiotherapist. Take care of your back and invest time in regularly doing these exercises to improve your spinal health and reduce pain.

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